Privacy Policy


In short, we don't give out your contact information and you will not receive unsolicited advertising from us.


Periodic Publications

We may send out e-mails in the form of a news bulletin or advertisement ("Periodic Publications") to e-mail addresses that are on our e-mail list. It is important to note that bulletin e-mailings are only sent out to people who have specifically requested to be on the Periodic Publications e-mail list. This list is generated via a deliberate double-opt-in method, meaning that you must confirm your choice to be on the e-mail list and also meaning that someone else cannot submit your e-mail address.


The Periodic Publications only contain information relevant to the products and services provided by Mark Lewis & Associates.


Third Parties

With regard to Periodic Publications, we do not sell or give away any information we collect to third parties, with the "Exception" noted below. We do not advertise or promote products on behalf of third parties, except in those instances where the product is sold by us, or if we feel it is vitally important to reference a third party product with which we are familiar, as a recommendation.



If you are not on the Periodic Publications e-mail list, we only use your e-mail for return correspondence.



The only time we will provide any information that we collect is if we are legally forced to do so, or if our company is acquired by another company, in which case, that company will also acquire our contact information.


Governing Laws

We will abide by the regulations set out by the privacy laws present in Canada and the governing province of this company.


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Mark Lewis & Associates